Teach Yourself to Express Your Emotions More Fully

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Communication
Stub only: Focusing
Intro written: Be Present and Mindful about Your Reality
Intro written: Journaling for Clarity of Mind and Emotions
Intro written: Emotional Balance
Stub only: Manage Your Inner Dialog

Exercise Details

Duration = 30 minutes.
Difficulty = 70/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To fully appreciate your own responsibility for communication problems in situations where you blame other people for preventing you from expressing myself fully.
  2. To get communication to start to move again in relationships that are bunched up and stagnating because of lack of communication.
  3. To both learn active listening and simultaneously to become more and more fully self-expressed.
Image courtesy of: Leonard John Matthews / Len Matthews, Redcliffe, Australia || Original Image || Flickr profile || World Vision Australia